Big Dreams Group е професионална евент-мениджмънт компания. Облужваме физически, виртуални и хибридни събития. Вярваме, че в днешно време нито един успешен евент не е просто физически. Можем да помогнем с всеки един елемент, част от всяко едно събитие, без значение от неговата тема, стига да има идея.
in-person events
Going into 2023 almost every event has an in person aspect - be it a physical location where a few of the participants gather, such as a studio, or just an area with limited physical attendance.
In-person events are constantly evolving, and there are areas in which Big Dreams Group excels.
The chosen location can work for, or against, your event. Some locations have built in tools, tech and amenities that can support and contribute to your event. Others do not, and it is important to know the difference.
We can make recommendations and help with the venue selection, communication and setup.
One of the most important part of any event is the event agenda. It should be built with consideration to modern attendee behavior patterns. For context - some event agendas have no breaks, others have too much.
We can help advise on how to structure your agenda, displaying it properly and publicizing it.
We understand the mechanism of events, and we know speakers are a group of key stakeholders. Speakers are often late with presentations, have requirements that must be met, require logistics and other arrangements.
Big Dreams Group has the technology to support presentations given moments before going on stage, we can communicate with speakers and make sure their experience exceeds their expectations by managing reservations, check-ins and we can provide logistical support.
Partners, sponsors and exhibitors are the backbone of events. Sponsors have clear metrics they need to meet, and we know how to use every trick in the book to achieve that.
We can support you in advising or creating your exhibition plan, information management, promotional materials and content, analytics and more.
The group of people attending your event, regardless of its' size, should not be put in the background. Instead, the live event experience is a factor many ignore.
With our help you can create a memorable experience, unique for your brand, for attendees by employing creative (and classic!) methods.
We can manage attendees registration, check-ins, logistics, reception, goodie bags and so much more.
The stage is where the focus is. For in-person events the stage needs to meet the expectations of the 2023 attendee, these include multimedia content, different displays, different display types and on-demand attendance.
We can create the stage of your dreams by helping you plan your stage design, advise on best practices worldwide, set up the actual stage and create mechanisms for attendance and distribution of content.
Some in-person events require smaller spaces for their attendees. We service events starting from 20 people and for smaller meetings and space, position and location are important.
Each in-person studio set-up should focus on the attendees, have the necessary event tech, have the design you and your brand needs. These are all things we can help with.
As we approach the pinnacle of the digital age, copyright has never been more important. Often overlooked in the past, events now have adapted to provide a completely law-abiding experience and event organizers realize how intellectual property is a fundamental part of their event.
Big Dreams Group legal can create and distribute contracts, help secure your intellectual property and consult on best practices and approaches.
other event tech
In-person event technology should match the ambition of the event. Often times the paper trail after every event is unmanageable by the event organizer, the presentation tech used has no batteries or they simply do not know what can be improved for next year.
We can help you find the correct technology additions for your event, manage the technology and advise on improvements.